TREE House Australia Ltd is charity set up to establish collaborative networks between professionals and other stakeholders who provide services to those impacted by trauma.

TREE is an acronym for Trauma, Recognition, Education and Evolution.

Our aims are to:

1. Raise awareness about trauma and the many ways it can manifest;

2. Assist professionals and other stakeholders better recognise when a client may be experiencing trauma, and encourage service providers to engage in trauma informed practice. Recognition also includes being aware that service providers may themselves be impacted by vicarious or secondary trauma, when dealing with those suffering from trauma.

3. Provide education about different types of trauma, the impacts of these and treatment options. Education also includes raising awareness about groups in our community that experience high incidences of trauma due to past injustices and mistreatment.

4. Assist those with unresolved trauma access necessary services from trauma-informed service providers. The ultimate goal is to empower trauma survivors to complete their own personal evolution or transformation, from sufferer to thriving survivor.

If trauma is not properly recognised, those with unresolved trauma continue through life without a full understanding of how past events are affecting them in the present. This can result in them feeling misunderstood, failing to seek appropriate treatment and not having their needs adequately met.

This does not have to be the legacy for trauma survivors. Our organisation aims to bring together a collection of like-minded individuals to collaborate and network with the goal of providing the best outcome for trauma survivors. Essentially, we work with passionate people, motivated to provide best practice and services to trauma survivors.